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Перевод | Примеры |
Огонь и вода-хорошие слуги, но плохИе хозЯева // Надо умело и остор6жно пользоваться огнём и водой. |
The system. .. had enabled him to dash through his tasks,
always with fair credit, and often with distinction ; but in а fitful,
dazzling way that had confirmed bls reliance on those very
qualities, without which no high place can Ье meritoriously won ;
but like fn авd water, though exeellent servants, tЬеу were very
Ьаd masters. If they ·had bееn under Richard's direction, they
would have bееn his friends; but Richard being under their
direction, they bесаmе bls enemies. (Dickens)
On waking up оп Monday morning, they would find themselves considerably richer than the Saturday night previous, simply because their money placed at interest had worked faithfully for them all day Sunday, according to law! Yet, there were pitfalls. Money is in some respects like fire -it is а very excellent servant but а terriЬie master. ( Wallace) |